Thursday, November 26, 2015

National’s Anti-Money Laundering & Countering Financing of Terrorism Monster - iPredict the State Gulag

This piece of Soviet legislation took down the brilliant iPredict today:

Prediction website iPredict is to be closed down, with the Government deciding it represents a money laundering risk.

The site, run by Victoria University of Wellington's commercialisation arm, VicLink, issued a statement to its website and on Twitter on Thursday.

According to the iPredict statement, Associate Justice Minister Simon Bridges refused to grant it an exemption from the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act, declaring that it was a "legitimate money laundering risk" because of the lack of customer due diligence.

The raison d’etat of the Act revolves around identifying all individuals to a financial or property transaction. The cost of that on the economy, however, is huge. I have a small client base, but the reach of the Act’s bureaucracy is too much for me:

Although, of course, my problem is chiefly philosophical. It’s always about philosophy. Put this Act together with the tax surveillance state, and the Soviet reference in my first sentence is no hyperbole (remember Twitter – don’t mind the typo):

Yes, the Left getting in will finish off the economy and take us all to the Big State Gulag (also), but these National autocrats are way past their use-by date. If I could stand people in numbers – I can’t – I'd say go get your pitchforks and meet me in the foyer.

PS: hope everyone got their flag voting slips in (FFS). National, the party which put back the ‘us’ at the front of useful idiots.


  1. This is very strange. No one in their right mind could think iPredict would be used to launder money. What is really going on here?

    1. It's the control paranoia of autocrats, Paul. At the working level that Act is like a virus, stultifying every consensual financial transaction.
