Thursday, April 16, 2015

Tax Surveillance State: Abolish IRS & Regressive Progressive Taxes.

I try to keep this blog original; the content and the style are not fare you will get elsewhere, thus I don’t do the clickbait ploys of daily quotations and links. That said, hat-tip Café Hayek, the below two links flow directly from one of my major themes.

Firstly, Richard Rahn writing for the Washington Times on why the IRS must be abolished (for same reason as every Western proxy secret police force masquerading as Revenue must be abolished): quoting from how the current tax system damages both the economy and, what the Left refuse to grok, civil liberties:

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen has said the government must have an IRS to collect the taxes to fund the government. Mr. Koskinen is right that no matter what kind of tax system we have, there needs to be a tax collection bureau. But those in favor of abolishing the present IRS are correct in that the United States certainly can get along perfectly well without the politicized, abusive and rights-trampling tax agency the IRS has become.

Mr. Koskinen and others who defend the IRS claim the problem is with the tax law, which is written by Congress. A tax system ought to be designed to obtain the necessary revenue with the least amount of damage to the economy and the civil liberties of the citizens. The present tax system gets a failing grade on both accounts. Promising special provisions to those who will provide campaign funds is a temptation that some politicians seem not to be able to resist. A simple flat tax or consumption tax would take care of many problems.

That said, there is still no excuse for much of what the IRS does ...


If the folks at the IRS want respect, then they need to start treating hardworking taxpayers with respect and understanding and not as government-owned slaves.

Secondly, a nice piece by George Leef on how regressive progressive envy taxation is; this being the economic argument (not forgetting the more important philosophic argument of how the tax surveillance state is built on the total destruction of privacy and what should have been our sacred right to be left alone by the state if harming no one). From What LeBron Can Teach You About Economics, quoting the relevant section:

On taxation, the conventional wisdom is that high taxes on businesses are necessary to make them pay “their fair share.” Most people also believe that the money extracted from them goes to the government where it is spent “for the public good.”

In his first chapter, Tamny argues that taxes are merely “a price placed on work” by the government. To demonstrate how, he doesn’t start with an economist or a chart, but instead with Keith Richards, the lead guitarist of the Rolling Stones. Richards explained that the band decided to leave England because of the high taxes: “We didn’t know if we would make it, but if we didn’t try, what would we do? Sit in England and they’d give us a penny out of every pound we earned.”

Progressive taxes (in England, the United States, and everywhere) are more of an impediment to people who are trying to become wealthy than to those who are already wealthy.

And what happens with all the money the government rakes in? Largely, it is squandered by politicians who want to buy popularity. Rock musicians make wiser use of money — the money they’ve earned — than do politicians who dip into the vast pot of tax dollars taken by force.

Referring to the first sentence, I have my own post on the abused use of that word ‘fair’, when related to the tax take: Taxing Language: A Question for the Politicians – Fair: What Do You Mean?

My next post will be regarding my increasing frustration and anger at the statist nonsense and worse, falsehoods, being peddled by identity politics feminism regarding the gender pay gap in New Zealand – identity/Marxist feminism as opposed to my own classical liberal individualistic (that is, non-bigoted) freedom advocacy feminism. Marxist feminism has turned from deconstructing our universities into safe places worshipping the power of big sister government with mindless, fist punching, chanting state servitude, and has become one of the major forces of a rampant statism ... read my next post.

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