Friday, October 25, 2013

Russell Brand: Radshitzyist, Populist, Light-Weight Fool.

I’ve dealt to a radical, batshit crazy – radshitzy – feminism this month, that demands no prosecution of women making false rape complaints; now to an equally worrisome broader radshitzyism that is getting too much uptake.

Twitter, especially the radshitzy cliques, have been agog with worship of the below Paxman interview with Russell Brand on BBC. Employing their full kit of irony, I’ve even seen radshitzy feminists, fawning at the altar of the nonsense spewed by alpha-male messiah Brand, and wanting to have his babies. Such is the blindness caused by their familial bond with Brand, namely, Mr Marx.

Free women and men watching this interview will be rightly troubled at how intelligent people can be so taken in, again, by the contradictory ramblings of a personality cult.

If you can stomach it, listen to it. But here’s the précis. Brand wants a full blown revolution. When pressed by a bemused Paxman, it is evident Brand has no idea of the nature of his revolution or the system of governance it would bring in – I’ll tell him that soon – he just wants a revolution that taxes rich people to being poor people; a revolution that taxes corporates to non-existence, truly – as our own IRD and Minister of Revenue aren’t immune from – all summed up in Brand’s infantile belief that profit is the ultimate evil stalking the Earth, and must be taxed to nothing. There will be no profit post revolution. There will be no free market economy.

The contradiction underlying this interview is that Brand sees himself as not so much a radshitzyist, but as a hip, anti-authority, rebel. Yet free men and women with even a scant knowledge of history know instantly his revolution has already happened, and it was all about the enforcement of an absolute authority that was lethal; it was called the Russian Revolution, it was called the Chinese Cultural Revolution: both revolutions with the aim to destroy profit, with the aim to make everyone equal, but which ended with everyone equal in poverty only, while murdering over 200 million of their own underclasses, the underclass Brand wants to lift up, and turning whole nations into surveillance states and slave camps.

Because anti-authority rebel Brand hasn't the wherewithal to conceive that no state can tax me, business, or free women and men, to non-existence without first turning itself into a totalitarian big brother surveillance state. Brand is the ultimate totalitarian statist, and it’s not as if he doesn’t have any modern day examples to learn from. The radshitzyist experiment in Venezuela has ended up with a command economy so moribund, it can’t even coordinate a supply of toilet paper. By all means get upset at our current systems of social democracy. There needs to be a revolution, yes, but against the crony capitalist, fiat money system, and toward a stateless, or at least minarchical, laissez faire free market system. The free society.

So Russell should stick to light roles in silly comedy movies, because he’s turned his life into one with this nonsense, and in the process is sending-up grownups with their degrees who ought to bloody well grow up and read some history so they know better. His interview is below, if you want a primer in full-blown radshitzyism, press play, especially from 3 minutes 59 seconds, and remember the byline of this blog:

The Soviets thought they had equality, and welfare from cradle to grave, until the illusory free lunch of redistribution took its inevitable course, and cost them everything they had. First to go was their privacy, after that their freedom, then on being ground down to an equality of poverty only, for many of them their lives as they tried to escape a life behind the Iron Curtain. In the state-enforced common good, was found only slavery to the prison of each other's mind; instead of the caring state, they got the surveillance state to keep them in line.


  1. I watched it, your description is apt. We can only wonder at how these people get treated seriously. If there was a case for totalitarian behaviour, it would be the mandatory teaching of 20th century history at school, perhaps with refresher courses every five years until retirement. :-)

    1. Agreed. And the number of 'clever' people sucking up to this tripe is beyond worrisome. There really is no hope to those few of us who understand the importance of the free society.

  2. Well said, Mark.

    Brand is "getting too much uptake" on Facebook, too.

    But he's right half the time and therefore worth cherry-picking to the max! E.g., Brand explains why the ALCP is the only party worth voting for: "When there is a genuine alternative, a genuine option, then vote for that, but until then—pfft!—don't bother. Why pretend, why be complicit in this ridiculous illusion?" :-)

    1. Agreed. Unfortunately, guess which bits the majority of the population picks? Not the bits that lead to a smaller state.

      I still think Brand is like an intelligent child that has learned the dictionary, but can't apply the big words in any sort of coherent context.

  3. I listened to the guy and he just seemed a repetitive socio/anarchist raver to me. Maybe I miss something. There was not one positive idea just the rant
