Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Gareth Morgan New Zealand’s Richest Communist. We’re All Renters Now.

Gareth Morgan is worried about the housing bubble still. Quite apart from the fact that house market prices in every area we live – South Canterbury, Canterbury, and Marlborough - are lower than building replacement cost, owing in some large part to the regulatory environment, and meaning the bubble is the permanent and continual growth of government, Gareth is now manically wishing to rush us  down the road to serfdom at pace. No longer, according to Gareth, is a mere capital gains tax  enough, but:

… the tax policies the Labour and the Greens propose – capital gains tax with exemptions for owner-occupied housing – are too timid to be our ticket out of this mess. Not a capital gains tax but a wealth tax which includes owner-occupied housing and is integrated with income tax would do a far better job of meeting those tenets of good tax policy.

Thing is, Gareth, a communist’s good tax policy is a free man’s gulag. And as for a tax on owner-occupied housing, my single tweet sums up what I think:

A tax on owner-occupied housing is a rental paid to government. We all become renters, the government our landlord, freehold would truly have no meaning anymore. This is the land of renters drawn from the poverty of a rich man’s mind. And no doubt it will be accepted, ultimately, due to a sickness of philosophy in the West that has been fatal, with more of the surveillance police state needed to operate it. Stick to killing cats, Gareth, and please get out of my home, because your latest policy is a home invasion.


  1. John Key is NZ's richest communist.

    Every bit of Hellen's "communism by stealth" has been kept by Key - and then he adds more of his own devising - rail loop & school lunches.


  2. Seasteading is likely our only future option for Freedom, while it would be nice for NZ to change course, I highly doubt it will.


    1. Seasteading is interesting: but this is the West, what we are looking for in seasteading, should've been our birthright.

  3. PS we already have "tax on land". Called rates. But let's face it - NZ doesn't have "freehold". We have fee-simple - aka grants of fiefs ultimately under the Crown. Ever since 1066.

    1. I realise that about rates, and don't disagree at all, but what Morgan is wanting here, is a huge increase in scale, again.

      But yeah, there's no such thing as freehold anymore, for quite some while.

  4. Perhaps we could all chip in, and purchase Cypriot citizenship for Gareth in the hope that he would be attracted to the climate, their banking system, and the banditry of their Government.

  5. Replies
    1. Or better a voluntary tax to fund only those functions of state that protect an individual's property rights and physical safety.

  6. He's not selfish! That's his bloody problem - needs to go to the local Rand Temple.

    1. Oh. Ha ha ha ha ha a joker! Jeez you're good. Seriously, you should be looking up comedy for a career (luckily you'll have the welfare state to fall back on).

      Um, hang on: did I mention Ayn?
