Tuesday, June 5, 2012

You Don't Think The IR's Own You?

Then you better think again. Read my blog byline above, carefully, then translate that to this report from the Economist regarding Argentina - how long before this comes to a town near you?

FROM this week, any Argentine wanting to take a foreign holiday must not only provide his tax identification-number but also tell the tax agency (known as AFIP) where, when and why he is going. Officials say this violation of privacy is needed to fight tax evasion and money laundering. In reality, the reason is that the government of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner is starting to run out of dollars. Since the inflation rate is already over 25%, the government is terrified of letting the peso depreciate. Instead, it is resorting to a siege economy.

The IR's are the new totalitarian state storm troopers and secret police in one. You are not free: be very afraid ...

And for the record, the government of Argentina who would authorise a crime like this on its citizens, has lost, utterly, the mandate to rule, anybody. Disgusting, though none of us living behind the IRon Drapes in the West are far from this point Argentina has reached ... I wouldn't be surprised at all to see it in the US by three years, New Zealand by ten years.


  1. From a post I made awhile back

    "Indeed, some here contend that Argentina has gone to the dogs, literally. So many nervous citizens have taken their money out of the country that Argentina’s tax agency now uses Labrador retrievers trained to detect the ink used to print dollar bills in an effort to stanch capital flight at the airports, ferry terminal and bus terminal in Buenos Aires."

  2. Goodness me. Literally smelling the fear ;)

  3. The end game has arrived for fiat money. Get into gold while it's still legal, and ship it somewhere safe.
